
Wearing the Cape: The Role Playing Game

Created by Marion G. Harmon

Help fund the production of Wearing the Cape: The Roleplaying Game, the new superhero RPG, as a high quality hardback gamebook.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Archon Files Are Complete!
about 3 years ago – Mon, Apr 26, 2021 at 11:29:05 PM

The Archon Files are Complete!

Check your emails! I'm sure many of you thought you'd never see this, and for that I am truly sorry. The WtC:RPG Kickstarter being the first Kickstarter I've ever done, and also the first gamebook production I've ever engaged in, there has been a steep learning curve involved. One of the things I learned was to not offer a piece of work unless the work itself is all or mostly all complete. Another thing I've learned is that when two writers decide on a side project the operative word is side.

Now that it's complete I have a confession to make; as a author/publisher I didn't do my due diligence on what it would take to do The Archon Files beforehand. Specifically, I didn't ask David just how detailed his great characters were before committing to the project. It turned out that he had good character background for Halo (of course), Maxima, and Dabbler . . . and that was pretty much it. And I had my heart set on doing the files like I'd done the Cape-Files for the Sentinels and all the heroes in Barlow's Guide & The B-Files; complete power descriptions along with history and personality profiles. Especially since I strongly suspected that many backers who grabbed the add-on were Grrl Power fans first and gamers second.

When I realized that we were going to have to create most of those histories and profiles, I had a decision to make: I could either refund the cost of the add-on to everyone, or make the project a longer term one and hope everyone would understand. I chose the second option. Now that it's complete, if anyone feels they didn't get their money's worth for the add-on price, let me know and I'll refund your money.

Again my apologies. David was great about working with me to bounce ideas and flesh out approved histories for all the heroes we included. Are these histories now cannon? He says . . . he likes them. So maybe that's a yes. I hope so; I'm really proud of some of them.

Looking forward to hearing what you all think! (If good thoughts, drop them on DriveThruRPG, please!) If you don't receive your email with the download link, let me know and I'll fix it right up for you. Enjoy


about 5 years ago – Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 05:05:28 PM

It took a little longer than expected (it always does), but everyone who has been patiently waiting for the Wearing the Cape: Barlow's Guide & The B-Files should now have one in the mail! If anyone waiting for their copy hasn't received an email notice that their shipping label has been cut within 24 hours, please let me know.

Until next week I will be unavailable to respond or do anything if someone has been missed (I will be at a writer's conference). However, I have stocked a healthy reserve of books, and will be back to sort anything out that needs sorting. For everyone who receives their books, comments, feedback, reviews always welcome. (Especially reviews where potential buyers can see them, at places like DriveThruRPG!)

This leaves only Wearing the Cape: The Archon Files to complete. As a collaboration it is moving slowly (and for now takes a backseat to my next WtC novel), but fear not--fans of Halo and Maxima will be rewarded for their patience.


The Barlow's Guide & The B-Files Printed Edition Is Here!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 10:53:56 PM

I have just received a call from the shipping company to confirm my address and readiness to receive the drop-off of 43 boxes of books. This means that tomorrow I will be cracking boxes and checking the print job on half of the printed Barlow's Guide & The B-Files. (The other 500 are going into Indie Press Revolution's warehouse for distribution.)

This means I can finally fulfill the last physical component of the Wearing the Cape: The Roleplaying Game's kickstarter campaign. It also means that all of my international backers will finally get all of their stuff. (Sorry that this has taken so long, guys.) So, what does this mean for delivery?

Shipping from here won't begin until next week. This is to give everybody a chance to update their shipping addresses with me if they have changed since the campaign backing phase ended. Some of you have reached out to me already with COAs; if you wish to confirm that I have you new address, I'll be happy to.

I will be getting the international backer's boxes out the door first, since they have the furthest to go. Once all international boxes have shipped, I will be pushing everyone else's sourcebooks out the door. I expect to have all backer's sourcebooks in the mail by the end of next week, Feb. 9th.

Thank you, everyone, for your patience.

Marion G. Harmon

Final 2018 News
over 5 years ago – Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 09:06:41 PM

Hello, everyone! It's been a busy year, with lots of hiccups and a few unexpected moments, but things are wrapping up. First, Wearing the Cape: Barlow's Guide and the B-Files is in its galley-proofing stage with the printers. Things have been slowed due to the printer having a high volume of accounts to finish up the year with, but they've taken my money for the printing of 1,000 copies of the book. Here's the cover; of course not a big surprise!

WtC: Barlow's Guide and The B-Files

Of course the combined book contains nothing not already in WtC: Barlow's Guide to Superhumans and WtC: The B-Files, but it will be great to finally have the printed edition on the bookshelf! (Also, for everyone who previously received the PDFs, we just sent out an update for spelling/grammar errata caught in the final combined editing pass).

The Archon Files

This leaves The Archon Files! Since it's a collaborative effort between myself and David Barrack, I can't put a timeline on its production. Its outline is coming together, but it's gotten a bit bigger. It's going to be a two-part sourcebook, with character files for all its listed Archon members in both WtC:RPG and Fate Core formats. Fans of the online comic will be able to play or play with Maxima, Halo, Dabbler, and company using either my extensive Fate-system hack or vanilla Fate Core (plus included Power Aspect rules).

Operation Pole Star

And finally, in an unexpected burst of Christmas-spirited inspiration, we've produced Wearing the Cape: Operation Pole Star.

WtC:OPS is a small adventure just released on DriveThruRPG, written up so it can be played by any group. It gives writeups for the Post-Event World's Santa Clause, outlines the conflict, and leaves it to the GMs to decide which of their campaign's villains wants to Steal Christmas.

Santa Claus is coming to town. Every town.

Merry Christmas!

Marion G. Harmon

Email List Error
over 5 years ago – Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 10:19:19 PM

Sorry, everyone who expected to receive a DriveThruRPG link earlier today; due to an error lifting the addresses of everyone who's due a Wearing the Cape: The B-Files PDF, only about 50 of you got the message. I'm redoing the entire list now, and the remainder should have their links within the next hour.


Marion G. Harmon