
Wearing the Cape: The Role Playing Game

Created by Marion G. Harmon

Help fund the production of Wearing the Cape: The Roleplaying Game, the new superhero RPG, as a high quality hardback gamebook.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit News (And More Art)
about 7 years ago – Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 10:32:45 PM

First the art. Two of the book series villains, Brick and The Ascendant. The Teatime Anarchist and Seif-al-Din will two other villains given full character files in the sourcebooks.

Backerkit Shipping

So we're busy ironing out how the Add-Ons will be packaged for each pledge level, and are able to offer some more good news. Using the Flat Rate Box shipping method, we are able to include an International Box "expansion" on the $35 shipping that international backers are already paying just to get the printed gamebook and dice. Canadian backers will be able to add just an extra $10 to upgrade their $35 prepaid shipping to $45 to get the full International Box shipped to them, and backers in the rest of the world will be able to add $30 to their $35 to get the International Box shipped to them for a Flat Rate of $65.

Of course you will be able to stuff the Flat Rate Box as full as you like with whatever Add-Ons you select (up to 4 gamebooks and/or sourcebooks, and 8 dice sets). However, we have also organized several pre-selected pledge upgrades; for example, The Books (print and PDFs of the gamebook and sourcebook together), The Box with Everything (the gamebook and sourcebook, all the PDFs, and all the dice), The Big Box (like the latest pledge level), and The Big Box With Everything. Each pre-set upgrade selection adds to what you already have coming with your pledge level, and gives significant Box Discounts.

Example: The Guardian-pledge ($59) has the option of upgrading to a The Box With Everything ($59 + $150). The Box With Everything has a $240 MSRP, so the savings on the contents goes a long way to compensate for the international cost ($209 + $65 shipping). And there's still room for more dice.

I will be sending another update in a few days with the full price list of the Flat Rate box upgrades, so that you can make sure that your pledge matches what you want with the discounts. Feedback on what Box Sets you'd like to see (in addition to the above) would be appreciated!

Marion G.Harmon

New Big Box Pledge!
about 7 years ago – Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 10:06:22 PM

In my continued quest to bring costs down for international backers who would like a gamebook without almost doubling the cost with shipping, as well as for backers who would like it all, I have created the Big Box pledge level!

With the dimensions of Wearing the Cape: The Roleplaying Game and Wearing the Cape: Barlows Guide & The B-Files now calculated, we have determined that four of them can fit snugly into a USPS Medium Flat Rate Box! (With plenty of room for dice.) Domestically the flat rate is $15. Internationally the rate varies a bit from region to region, and so I have decided to set the international shipping rate at $65, from Austria to Australia and all points between.

The Big Box includes two copies of Wearing the Cape: The Roleplaying Game and two copies of Wearing the Cape: Barlow's Guide & The B-Files. $65 divided by 4 books equals $16/book, a big savings on the previous $35. To make it even more attractive I have included the PDFs for Wearing the Cape: The Roleplaying Game, Wearing the Cape: Barlow's Guide to Superhumans, and Wearing the Cape: The B-Files as part of the Big Box pledge reward.

The Big Box pledge is set at $230, with Kickstarter requiring an extra $15 for domestic shipping and $65 for international shipping; the international backer will receive the four printed books and all three PDFs for a pledge+shipping of $295.

Note: I have anticipated that backers at other pledge levels might want to recreate the savings in shipping afforded by the Big Box pledge. In the Backerkit survey, you will be able to "fill your own box" with the books and dice you want, up to the limit of the box's capacity (and all Guardians, City Protectors, and Sentinels have already paid for a box).

I have heard from a international backers dismayed by the shipping charges; if you have friends who have already pledged for a printed edition of the gamebook and sourcebook, or friends who are looking at the campaign but not sure about the costs, I suggest you talk about a combined pledge. I hope this helps.

Meanwhile, with 10 days to go in the campaign, I can't believe we have come this far! Thank you, everyone.

Marion G. Harmon

Astra Art, And Building a Bigger Book!
about 7 years ago – Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 09:40:41 PM

So here's Astra, concurrent with the series' "present" and putting her war-face on.

 So on to the important part:

Production Plan Update!

The initial project envisioned two books, the gamebook and a single sourcebook, for fans of the Wearing the Cape series who wanted to play. $110 seemed a bit pricy, but I was able to reduce the cost of each book by $10, for a $90 investment for the reader who wants every printed word. Now with three books, totaling $130, plus another PDF-Only sourcebook (see The Archon Files, below), I've been looking for ways to cut down the backer cost again. So after speaking with my publisher, a production change has been made.

The hardback editions of Wearing the Cape: Barlow's Guide to Superhumans and Wearing the Cape: The B-Files will be merged into a single Wearing the Cape: Barlow's Guide and B-Files. This unified sourcebook will be slightly larger than the gamebook, and will price at $59! The two electronic-edition sourcebooks will remain separate, at $19 each, but will be extensively cross referenced (see the unlocked Add-Ons, below).

I'm sure everyone has questions; ask away.

Marion G. Harmon

400% Funded!
about 7 years ago – Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 08:52:20 PM

Add-Ons Unlocked.

Well we've done it; 400% funded! The Wearing the Cape Special Edition has been unlocked, along with Wearing the Cape: The Archon Files.

So we get to check out the full game system stats for Archon's heroes (I'm seriously looking forward to figuring out how to describe Halo with the rules). And I get to engage a professional editor to help prepare the special edition of Wearing the Cape, the book that started all of this.

Good times. Thank you.

Marion G. Harmon


World Affairs and More Art!
about 7 years ago – Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 10:46:27 AM

First, more art! Both Astra and Artemis are getting character upgrades in Barlow's Guide. A lot has happened to both since Wearing the Cape, and that makes them perfect examples of how to manage character advancement. So here's Artemis:


Sure she looks the same...

The Matter of Europe (and Russia, Africa, etc.).

A conversation has begun on the campaign backer's community site:

In my books I have tread lightly over the Post-Event histories of Europe, Africa, and other parts of the world. This is because while I do pay attention to international events and trends, I hardly consider myself an expert. So I have only developed details as needed.

But Barlow's Guide and the B-Files are going to provide much more detail! And since a number of backers are from outside the US, I'm taking advantage of this moment to solicit informed opinions about what might have happened--both internally and internationally. So if you'd like to see how the conversation is developing (and possibly contribute your opinion), get on over there. Here's a couple of the major threads:

Do you live in Austria? Spain? The Netherlands? Australia? Korea? Other parts of the world, places in the US that are not Chicago? Now's your chance to have a voice in local conditions, troubles, and opportunities.